Wednesday, September 21

Vegas! Vegas! Vegas!!

 I am not a gambler! I don't see the point or the appeal. I think it is a quick way to loose money fast. Since my few pennies are precious to me {say that in the Gollum voice if you like} I can't watch some fat-fingered-angry dealer take them from me, Yes they all have fat fingers. So why did I got to Vegas last weekend you ask? Well I got a phone call from my friend Allison last wednesday, it went like this.

"Um Lawrence ( that's me) what are you doing this weekend?'
"Um Hi Alice (that's her) nothing, why?"
" Want to go to Vegas and see Ke$ha...for free?"
"Whaaaa, really?'
"Ya, Alex bailed on me (her brother) and I have everything all paid for."
"Um, hell yes! let me see if Kleis ( my mom) can work for me."

a few phone calls to my mom and chris in between.

"Alice, I'm in!!!"
"Seriously?! Let me see if I can get the ticket in your name." Click
"Alice? Alice?"
A few minutes later.
"Lawrence I'm so excited I'm sweating!"
"Me too!!"
"Ok sweet!"
"Alice? Alice" Click again. We were both pretty excited, I'm not sure who hung up on who this time.

So we packed all the glitter we could and headed out with Allison's friends Chris and Lindsey Hatch. They are hilarious. Chris Hatch flies all the time and is so funny about it.. I quickly named him Clooney, from Up In The Air. Clooney stuck and by the end he was responding to it.

 We had so much fun. We got all freaked out for Ke$ha and people were just staring at us. Seriously we freaked people out. We weren't even wearing weird clothes just weird makeup. I refuse to believe that we were the biggest freaks in Vegas but people seemed to think we were.
Lindsey looked cute. this was her idea of getting Ke$ha'd out. Lame Lindsey. 

The BEST part was LMFAO. They put on such a good show. They are hilarious and they and their dancers were amazing. They had some guys from America's Best Dance Crew up there. 

Alice bought some glasses that did some pretty cool stuff. 
She tried to sneak a snickers while i wasn't looking. I called it "sneakin a snick" 
We laughed so hard at that one. 

This was a limo my friends not a semi. 
This is Holly Madison's porsche. Yep it's pink people. 
I tried to buy Ralph a good lookin tux but they didn't have his size. Bummer. 
Cupcake beenies I seriously wanted this one so bad. 

The maids at our hotel were awesome. This is what we found after breakfast one morning. Loved them!!

Vegas was a good time. We laughed so hard and did tons of shopping. I would much rather my money go to clothes than gambling. Don't worry though Alice managed to get in plenty of gambling. That is how she paid for the trip...gambling points. Gotta love it. 

Just for your enjoyment, we watched this video about a hundred times trying to learn the shuffle. These guys are hilarious!!


  1. Leave it to Alice to plan the best weekend ever: Las Vegas Edition! I've never been so jealous in my life and I HATE vegas...that's saying something. I love all the girls look fab!

  2. The minute I got the pic of your glitter my jealous meter sky rocketed!! Sounded like a blast!! :)

  3. Lauren! Jeez ever since I took links off my blog I forgot to go to all my favorites. I'm baaaack! Looks like you guys had an awesome time in vegas... I only wish you posted pics of you and allison shuffling.

    And ya lets do a girls night! I always ask allison about i can ask you myself! We should hit up park city i never get sick of that place. Find us a good restaurant!

  4. This post cracked me right up. "Sneakin' a Snick"... busted:) You are just miss travel-pants these days aren't you! jealous.
