Tuesday, August 9

Great Book!

When I heard about this book I immediately called my mom to see if I could borrow it. I didn't even need to ask her if she owned it because she owns all the great books. She loves to read and loves that my sister and I now love to read. In our early years it was Chinese Water Torture to get us to read. She said sure I'll look for it and bring it to work tomorrow. So the next day she came in and surprised me with my very own copy. I love to keep the books I read so when I borrow hers, OOPS, i don't always give them back. Anyway, I am not too far into it but I am loving it! I'll give you a full report when I finish. But I think you should get started now so we can talk about it when we both finish. Good plan? ANYONE out there? Well I can always discuss it with my mom. haha. 
Ok off to read. I better grab a diet coke, my sleepiest hour of the day is rapidly approaching. 


  1. Sad I hope my kids never think reading is torture!

    I have heard a lot about this book but ultimately not into reading about various ways he was tortured. I hope you enjoy it though!

  2. This was a recommendation on my Amazon account! I'll have to add it to my shopping cart for pool side reading! Jeff has offered to get me a kindle, but like you, I just like having the books!

  3. I am so excited for these next two weeks! I feel like I can only do my personal reading in between semesters and that time is NOW!! Maybe I'll fit this book in??
