Thursday, March 17

For Japan with love!

For Japan...I guess this is the best we bloggers can do. A day of silence. No posting tomorrow. That hardly seems like it will do anything but I guess the people in Japan can use all the thoughts and prayers they can get. Hopefully this post will remind all who see it to remember those poor people in your thoughts. I for one am sending all the positive energy I can muster their way. 

My heart goes out to all of those who have lost everything and are freezing and starving. The hardest part for me would be not having any clue where my family and loved ones were. I go crazy if I go a whole day without talking to all of my family. 

Please use this picture in your next post to help spread the word about the day of silence. Also you can check out this website if you are interested in donating or learning more about how to help.

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