Wednesday, July 11

It's a...

YAY! We are so excited. I can't even believe it. From the first time I heard the heart beat I had a motherly feeling it was a boy. Don't ask me how or why, I just had a feeling. So I guess my intuition is right so far!! 

Such a bad picture of a picture but here is his cute little profile. 

And there are the family jewels. Ha this poor kid. already nothing is sacred. 


  1. So excited to meet this little guy!! You knew it from the beginning. You're going to be the best mama Lala!!

  2. A boy!! How happy is that! Congratulations! What an exciting time!

  3. Congrats guys! Boys are so much fun.

  4. Hooray! So happy for you guys. Can't wait to meet the little guy.
