Wednesday, May 4

noelle, the best sister ever!

sisters, sisters, sisters! what in the world would we do without our sisters? i know that i personally would not be who i am today without mine. i love her so. this little post is about my "sissy" as i like to call her. noelle is the oldest of my siblings and for sure the most loving. we call her the den mother, which she absolutely hates, but it is true. she is always so aware of what everyone is up to and making sure we are all happy. LOVE HER! one of my favorite things about my sister is, no offense people, when it is just me and her. when the boys aren't around to tell us how annoying we are or roll their eyes at us. when we are alone we can do whatever we want and we do. we laugh, we tell each other about the facial hair that needs waxing, tease each other to no end, and pull each other's gray hairs out...that's right people we have them and i have more that she does! so not fair since she is 6 years my senior. sorry sissy but you are. last time we got to spend a whole evening alone together, it doesn't happen often because she has two kids and a husband she adores and i have the best boyfriend that i can't seem to be without. needless to say it rarely is the two of us but last time we watched quite possibly the WORST movie ever. i don't even know the name of it. but it was so bad. for some odd reason we watched the whole damn thing and every time we looked at each other we just laughed hysterically and kept watching, why? no idea! 

sissy and i share birthday months. this is the BEST thing ever. mine is april 13 and hers is april you know what that means? it means month long birthday celebrations for us both every year. she is so sweet to make sure i have a GREAT birthday. she's one of the first calls of the day ( this year she was first because my friend julia had had a baby like a week before and she was sleep deprived) and always takes me to breakfast or lunch on my bday. this also consists of laughing...a lot. 

ok now the mushy crap. noelle has been my cheerleader, even though neither of us would have been caught dead being cheerleaders, thru everything. she is always and unconditionally on my side. well unless we are fighting then she is not on my side :). honestly we rarely fight. especially since i never steal her clothes anymore. people who don't get along with their sisters baffle me. how can you not? she has been there when i needed advise she has been there when i needed someone to be quite and listen. she's my running buddy and will be again as soon as she pops out my second nephew. she is my favorite sister...hahaha! my only sister. but even if we had lots of sisters, she would still be my fav. i love her more than anything. what is so great about sisters is that she knows that no matter what i would drop anything i was doing to help her and i know that she would do the same. it is so refreshing to know that i have someone to always count on. 

Nosie, sissy, mama D, den mother, you are the love of my life! Thank you for always being on my side even when i'm wrong. i hope you had a great birthday. don't be mad about the pictures. these are all i have on this computer. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post about your sister! They really are the best!
