Monday, November 28

Christmas Card

Here is our Christmas card this year. We had a little animal photo shoot which was pretty much the funniest thing ever. Kitty HATES that sweater. She refuses to move when she has it on. Which you would think is good but she just lays around and won't look at the camera so we propped her up like this. Ralph on the other hand LOVES having his picture taken. He is such a well behaved pooch, well at least in front of the camera. 


  1. You guys are so cute. Love the card. Love that Ralph & Kitty are part of the family. Love that they're in sweaters. hahaha. I just love the whole thing. Have a great Holiday!!

  2. I love the card! So cute and I can only imagine the attitude kitty gave you for it!

  3. Very cute family! That is a darling card, and the story about getting the cat into that sweater is a hoot!
